Try it! Enjoy it!

Social Media Explode

The Cigarette is Dead

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is probably one of the best anti-smoking campaigns ever made . Everybody should give this promo video a shot . And remember ... The cigarette really is socially dead in many countries ... Enjoy .

The Cigarette Is Dead from FL2 Interactive on Vimeo. tell your friends about it ...

Greatest search engine

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You can not imagine the reaction I had when I came across this search engine . I was a little confused , dazzled and a little happy(why lie ?) . I think that Google has finally met his match . So , take a look here everybody and explore a whole new kind of world ... Enjoy !

Funniest Homeless Signs

Monday, February 9, 2009

These pictures represent some of the best jokes that homeless people ever came up with . I hope you like homeless humor because you never know when it may come in handy . Enjoy !

Bali ... the amazing world

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Can you imagine something as beautiful as the most beautiful thing you can ever imagine ? Yes , I know it sounds dumb and maybe a little artistic , but I really find it hard to describe such beauty . Alex.Be. on Vimeo is showing us the amazing "Macroworld of Bali" , a video that can bring a little joy even to the people that don't have the chance to experience this kind of activities on their own . Very nice job , hope to see more from you Alex.Be. . Everybody ... Enjoy !

Macroworld of Bali from Alex.Be. on Vimeo.

Titanic Parody

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm not sure how many of you have heard of Nigahiga , but if you are interested to know who he is you can find out by clicking his name . With over 750.000 subscribers and over 20 million channel views on Youtube , he is one of the best movie makers on the site . The most popular movie he has on the Internet is "How to be a ninja" . If you want to take a short peak at his work , you can do it here by watching this Titanic Parody . Enjoy !

Heavy Metal in Baghdad

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This is a promo made vbs.TV and it's dedicated to the only heavy metal band in Iraq . The people that made this DVD "Heavy Metal In Baghdad" had to track this band for almost 3 years to get all this material together . They say that the first thing they were asked by the band members was "Have you ever used guns before ?" ... the rest is up to you to watch if I captured your attention . Enjoy !

Different Times/Different Spaces

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This video is brought to us on Vimeo by Bruno Papas . For most of us this clip is just nice to watch but for the eye of an artist , it could be more & more . I think that the idea of this video(although it's been done many times) is simply great . Not a lot of people can perform such an editing effort and actually accomplish something , but Bruno Papas showed us how it should be done . Congratulations ! Enjoy ...

Spaces from brunopapas on Vimeo.

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